An article in the Los Angeles Times on November 16, 1929 announced that the Riverside Sheriff's Department would be adopting a standardized uniform. They were the first county law enforcement agency in the state to adopt a uniform. It seems so surprising that something we take for granted, such as a sheriff's deputy wearing a uniform, was not actually a standard practice in the not so distant past.
According to the article, the uniform they planned would consist of a a civilian suit in steel gray, tan shirt, black four-in-hand tie, black shoes, and a hat similar to a forest ranger's. A Sam Brown belt would be worn over the shoulder with a gun holster attached.
One reason the uniform was adopted by Sheriff Sweeters and his men was cost: each deputy was responsible for buying his own uniform but it was believed that buying in bulk would reduce the cost. The men also felt it would improve their appearance considerably. I should think so! It sounds like those deputies looked pretty spiffy once they got their new uniforms!