Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mission Boulevard Decorations

Back in the 1960s the Chamber of Commerce or the Rubidoux business owners put up Christmas decorations in the Mission Boulevard median near the intersection of Rubidoux Boulevard. I remember a giant snowman and a little wooden train.

The snowman was quite tall, at least to my childish eyes. It was made out of wire covered in white tinsel and had a black top hat. The thing I remember most about this snowman is how it would dance and sway when the Santa Ana winds blew, as they always do in December.

The train had an engine and several cars. It was brightly painted and if I remember correctly someone in the community built it. It too had to suffer the winds and would sometimes blow over on its side at the same time the snowman danced.

Does anyone else remember these Christmas decorations? Does anyone have any photos of them?


  1. I remember that, and we had rubidoux western days ,a parade, carnival, mission Jr high band marched.

  2. I can remember that I used to love when Christmas came around I love to see the decorations and I remember when we had parades
