Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Funny Things Found While Writing Wicked Jurupa Valley Part III

While researching local history for my upcoming book Wicked Jurupa Valley: Murder and Misdeeds in Rural Southern California I discovered some funny (by funny I mean odd) things stuck back in your local history. One of the stories in the book is about a particular time in the history of the bridge that takes us all across the Santa Ana from Rubidoux to Riverside. Now, you may be wondering what a story about a bridge is doing in a book with the subtitle "Murder and Misdeeds." Well, you will be surprised to find out that I found stories of arson, spies, and a rampaging Mother Nature! It was certainly a surprise to me!   I look forward to you getting to read about the Rubidoux bridge and everything else when the book comes out in June!

1 comment:

  1. It was World War I. Apparently there was a bit of a German spy issue at that time here in the USA.
