Monday, July 16, 2012

Wicked Jurupa is Here!

I am very happy to report that Wicked Jurupa Valley:Murder and Misdeeds in Rural Southern California is finally here! A big box of books arrived at my front door and it is also available at and A Kindle version is also available at Wicked Jurupa Valley will also be available in local stores if you like to shop locally, but I have not heard yet if it is actually in the usual places such as DeAnza True Value Hardware, Walgreen's, and the Jurupa Mountains Cultural Center. I will let you know as soon as I find out.

If you want to check my author's page at you can find it at

If you would like, feel free to hit the like button or write a review (once you get to read the book, of course!) on Amazon. I would really appreciate that!  

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous cover! I also saw your note that the incidents are true ... I can hardly wait to read what happened in our city. When will you be doing a reading or signing books? I'd love to attend. Best wishes for steady readership and sales.
